The psychiatry unit was opened in April 2015 as a result of need due to the mental health act being introduced in 2012. The act was enacted to improve mental health care services in Ghana and also focus on how mental health services were provided. The focus was to shift from inpatient or institutional care to a more community based approach and most importantly to combat stigma and discrimination against mentally ill people. This unit was started with 15 patients and now has over 250 who are currently being managed by three Psychiatric Nurses.

Some of the staff at the very small mental health unit only opened in April 2015.
Some of the staff at the very small mental health unit only opened in April 2015.

Psychiatry is a branch of medicine aimed at treatment, management and prevention of mental illness. Prevention is achieved through health education on mental illness in the community, schools and information centers. Non adherent patients are visited at homes and encouraged and educated about the need to adhere to the treatment regimen in addition to reporting to the unit for periodic review. Management of patients is done by collaborating with the emergency and medical units in order to admit and treat mentally ill patients.