The female unit at Ankaase consists of 16 beds with an approximate monthly caseload of 18-21. The unit is dedicated to the care of female patients 16 years and above. The patients usually spend on average of one week at the unit.
There are 13 nurses (11 females, three males) of which four are Registered General Nurses, seven Enrolled Nurses, and two Ward Assistants. Nurses are responsible for the daily management of acute and chronic medical conditions such as malaria, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, HIV, gastrointestinal conditions among others. Patients are admitted to the unit directly from the outpatient department or the emergency department. The unit has accessories for oxygen therapy, suction and nebulizing of patients who may be in acute respiratory distress.
Patient centered care is the most important part of the practice model, thus, the right of the patient to participate in her care is observed and encouraged at all times.